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Here is the most recent releases of Hawks battles.

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< The Hawks' complete AC collection and now our FB collection.


< Fort Washington (American Revolution, 1776) [FB Map]
A seige early in the American Revolution whereby the British were able to gain control of the Deleware River. Created by SirWilliam, this is a mission map. The objective of the British (red) is to take the fort. The Americans have inferior quality troops, but are able to garrison the fort and have cannon. If the American side loses the fort, they are obliged to surrender. Read enclosed material.

< Dettingen (War of Austrian Succession, 1743) [FB Map]
First created in AOW by bud, he has now rendered us a FB version. The last occasion in which a British sovereign (George II) personally led troops into battle was in this clash, a heavy defeat for French forces (blue). The British and their German allies (red) cut of while retiring towards Hanau, stood to do battle with the surrounding French. The main body of French was on the opposite side of the Main River, and when the French in the town rashly attacked alone they were driven back into the river, suffering 6,000 casualties. The French of this period are played by Spanish with blue facings as they most nearly represent the actual uniform. No up-grades.

< Trenton (American Revolution, 1776) [FB Map]
Johann Rall, commander of the Hessian mercenaries garrisoned at Trenton (red), had been up all night drinking and playing cards. His troops had likewise celebrated hard, for it was Christmas. Counting on this fact, George Washington and his force of 2,400 (blue) surprised them in the morning and caught them off guard before they could form ranks. A map by WarthurWater. Read enclosed material, Hessian side must set Orange as computer allie.

< Quebec (American Revolution, 1775) [FB Map]
A long time on the back burner, this battle was created some time ago by the patient and studious Claudius to re-create a painful fiasco in arms for America, Benedict Arnold's attempt to bring Canada, through Quebec, into the realm of American influence. Though a number of colonists were seized by the same revolutionary fervor as their southern cousins, it wasn't nearly the number needed. It is absolutely neccessary that one read the instructions included in the download before playing as this battle has several rules. 

< Guilford Courthouse (American Revolution, 1781) [FB Map]
Here, Bud has re-created on of the last open field battles between American (blue and white) and British troops (red) to take place before conclusion of the American Revolution. Corwallis drove the more numerous American forces away but was un-able to follow up as he had lost twice as many men in the conflict, his army was hurt bad. Soon he would take refuge in Yorktown where he would eventually surrender. British have up-grades, white player is limited in shot to reflect limited volleys, Britsh are on attack. 

< Leuthen ( Seven Years' War, 1757) [FB Map]
Like the series started by SirWilliam "Rebels and Redcoats", this is part of a series which will try to replicate many of the grand battles of Frederick the Great. Created by bud, many FB uniforms can be used to nearly replicate the actual look of the armies of this period, though there are the obvious exceptions (heavy cavalry filled in by Conquistadors maybe the most obvious). This was a monumental victory for Frederick as he used his classic oblique attack, circling around the enemies left flank. The Prussian army (blue) was also only 2/3rds the size of her Austrian enemy (red). Read material in download before playing.