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This page will cycle through with different pictures, drawings, photos or whatever Hawks produce that is relevant to the joy of studying military history. It is a page for Hawks to display their images of any medium. We also hope to see at times photos of Hawks actually visiting sites of some of our battlefields. If you are a Hawk, don't be afraid to submit what you have for possible viewing.

< From the travels of Greenwarrior

On his recent sabatical to Switzerland, Greenwarrior visits the Castle Morde with it's Medievil weapons and displays. Click to download all 5 pictures.

UGeO at Waterloo >

UGeO (formerly WarthurWater) joins up with the line infantry at Waterloo (his uniform left in his tent maybe?) This picture was taken "...at Maitland's spot where he (Napoleon) waited for the French guard offensive" says UGeO.