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1) Trial By Combat

The first step to becoming a part of the group is to beat any Hawk on the field. One must find a Hawk at the server sight, challange him to a historical battle, and win.

2) Be recomended
For a list of the most active Hawks, in other words ones that you will most likely find on any given day at one of the servers, see the "Joining/Hawks Forum" page. Yet it is not enough to merely beat a Hawk, one must be recomended. Nothing is more repugnant to THE DRAKE, leader of the Hawks, than the petty quarreling, bickering, accusations of cheating and poor sportsmanship often seen displayed among "deathmatch" players at the servers. The Hawks are players, sometimes in "deathmatch" clans, who also love the sheer spectacle and exhileration of commanding massive armies in historical type conflagrations. We muse over our defeats while congratulating the winners on jobs well done as well as taking our victories lightly.

Once the initiation victory has been attaigned, the candidate must write to THE DRAKE, informing him of his player name and desire to join (see the "Joining.." page). This also puts the correct e-mail address into THE DRAKES list for any Welcome Letter and future communication. When the defeated Hawk writes THE DRAKE confirming the outcome and recomending the candidate, that player welcomed to the group. There is no flag or name change needed; that player is simply part of a group now that shares battles with each other for epic play.

Finally, to play the AOW battles the Hawks have compiled one MUST download MOD1, created by Shaun Baddog. This adds beautiful new units as well as new cannon which the latest battle almost always borrow from. One can even play the standard historical battles at the AOW server sight in MOD and enjoy the change in uniforms that occurs. Again, this is a necessity for playing as a Hawk. As for AC and FB no MOD is yet neccessary.

3) All Hawks must get MOD1 by Shaun Baddog to play our battles!
Click here to get MOD1.